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March 7, 2021
Signing of Participation Agreement with Bangladesh Bank for utilizing Technology Development/ Up-gradation Fund of BDT 1,000 crore for Export Oriented Industrial sectors

Executive Director & CEO of IDCOL, Mr. Mahmood Malik, participated in the signing ceremony held in Bangladesh Bank on 25 Feb 2021 for utilizing ‘Technology Development/ Up-gradation Fund’ of BDT 1,000 crore for Export Oriented Industrial sectors. Under this fund, refinance facility will be extended against disbursement of term loan/investment (in BDT) favoring its client to procure machineries/technologies for the modernization and technological development/up-gradation of export oriented industrial sectors as per SFD Circular No: 02 dated January 17, 2021. Consultancy costs, repair/maintenance expenses and any expenses related to working capital shall not be included under this refinance fund.